Yay! It’s another awesome day and here is your daily dose to make it extra awesome.
Business & Life:
I know this part of awesomization isn’t super sexy, BUT … numbers don’t lie.
Whether you’re using a fitbit to keep track of your daily steps and have set a goal, every day, the fact that you’re tracking it helps to keep you more accountable and inspired. At least it does for me.
Taking it a “step” further. (Pun intended.)
Here’s where it starts to actually WORK.
I set a daily goal and then a time line for achieving it without breaking the chain.
What do I mean by breaking the chain? Well, for me, I set a short time period, like one month and I print out a calendar. Then every day that I do what I promised myself that I would, I make a big X across that date on the calendar. The result is a chain of days and I don’t want to break that chain, especially if I made a promise that I’d have to start over if I did. 😉
So let’s think about how this would work compared to what most people do.
Average people think “I should walk 10,000 (or insert any number) steps every day on my FitBit for 30 days.” Then, let’s say 4 days in, when it’s 8pm and The Voice is about to come on, they go “Oh darn, I’m 2000 steps shy. Oh well, I’ll do it tomorrow.”
Awesome You would say “I have 3 days in my chain already and I promised myself 30 days. If I miss today, I have to start over. It’s only another 2000 steps.” And they’d put on their sneakers and DO IT, knowing that they made a commitment to themselves and investing in our health and wellness is one of the biggest investments we can POSSIBLY make.
But, going back to your number, just KNOWING your numbers and being aware of them can cause progress.
Take food tracking. Most people, as soon as they start tracking what they eat, lose weight, without consciously doing any dieting. Why? Because they are more aware of each and every snack they eat, so they just stop overeating. Then they try to figure out what they did differently… because there must be some magic secret. Yes, the secret is awareness of what is going in your mouth. 🙂
It’s the same in business. Once you know your numbers, you can improve upon them.
If you’re getting 90% of your traffic, referrals and sales from your YouTube video, for instance, you can build from that. Rather than chasing the next big thing, you have the information to know what will get you the fastest results. FOCUS is a beautiful thing, and it’s much easier to focus when you know your “One Thing”. 😉
Or if 90% of your income is coming from a membership site you’re running, then a good goal would be to get more members, right? But you need those numbers to help you to work SMARTER and not HARDER.
ALSO in Business:
This is a great time to mention the “Should’s”. In business and especially in really hypey copy, you hear a lot of “Should’s” and “HAVE TO”.
You MUST… (insert any of the following):
- Do YouTube Videos
- Do guest blog posting
- Have your own podcast
- Do public speaking at events
- Write Kindle books
- Do Teleseminars
- Do SEO
- Do… blah blah blah.
How about if you turn off that voice and again, do what fits, what you enjoy doing, and what you’ll actually DO.
Let’s go back to the Animal School video again. Not everyone is a writer or enjoys writing. However, a lot of those people are totally AWESOME at talking on stage or making videos that people love. So do that. Swim fish, swim! 😉
However, I LOVE writing and I know that, if I push myself to try to do a bunch of webinars in a month, I won’t be happy. Yes, I CAN do webinars and I do them, but I make writing my focus and I drop the guilt from not being on Periscope or running from stage to stage to speak. It’s OK. I do what I do and I do it well.
Buck the “should” and “must” and all that crap. If podcasting is something you love and you’ll be consistent and it works, then DO IT. And do it well. If you’re a writer, then get writing those books. You can’t possibly be all and do all, so again, listen to your gut, not to mainstream and do what works … for you.
Proud to fly my freak flag with you!
The World:
Buy a rough item of furniture at a charity store, fix it up and donate it back 🙂 (paint it – use your creativity) – Another tip from Kelly McCausey, my dear smart friend.
Hugs and high fives,