Your daily dose of awesome. Watch for tomorrow’s email for even more fun stuff.
Business & Life:
I like to teach my coaching clients my READ system to Awesomize their Business and have more free time, too.
This is what it breaks down to.
R- Ruminate: Think about and inventory your business. Figure out what’s profitable in your business, both projects and activities.
E – Eliminate: Cut those that aren’t serving you. This could mean to sell them, delete them, or stop doing them all together.
A – Automate: Of what’s left, can any of it be automated? You’d be surprised what tools are available now that can do things that you might be doing yourself.
D – Delegate: And, of the remaining stuff, what could be done by someone else?
You’ll be left with ONLY those tasks that 1. are profitable, and 2. essential. And you’ll have more free time. 😉
Free Gift: It’s hard to juggle everything that we need to get done in our business with being awesome, too. One way to do that is to figure out what your time is worth per hour and then look at the things you’re doing in your business and determine whether to focus on them — or to eliminate, automate or delegate them.
Here’s a free resource from my friend and business partner, Melisssa Ingold, that will help you to figure out how to reach your goals.
By figuring out your gifts (like I talked about yesterday), grabbing your confidence like we discussed on day 14, and knowing what your hourly rate is to reach your goals, you can start to piece together a plan to reach your financial goals and your lifestyle ones, too!
The World:
My daughter volunteered at a soup kitchen awhile back. She shared something that made my heart hurt. She said that the person who welcomed them and assigned their duties told the children that the most important thing they can do while they are there is to shake the hands of the people coming in.
They said that 1. it makes them feel like a real person and not looked down upon, 2. it may be the only physical contact they have that day.
It got me thinking a bit. In my Yoga Teacher Training to become a yoga teacher, one of the things that we can do is gentle touch and alignments and a little head massage at the end. I know when I’m a student in class, I really appreciate and enjoy that part. But then I wondered how many people go to class just to have that physical contact every day.
To be perfectly honest, there are days when that’s probably the only physical contact I have with others. Just by being busy and my kids being teens, I don’t have them climbing into my lap anymore – and my husband, well, his love language isn’t physical touch so much, so that might not happen either.
So it’s not just homeless people that are craving contact. It might be that the older lady that lives alone across the street hasn’t actually been touched in days. That makes me so sad to think about.
I don’t know exactly what that has to do with you making the world a better place, other than to reach out and hug someone today or pat their arm. I’d hate to think of a day going by without any physical contact… but I know that to some people, that’s their norm. So, spread the love, today and always.
Give someone a hug today. If you won’t see anyone you want to hug, then send a virtual hug to someone who needs it.
Big hugs and high fives to you.