Awhile back, I got a new amazing coaching client (someone who I really respected already and was a fan of). We started working together and she was complaining about how frustrated she was writing her ebook. She wanted my help to find a writer to outsource it to.
I was literally floored. This is how the conversation went.
Her: I hate hate hate writing this ebook and I don’t think I’ll ever finish it. I’ve even gotten to the point where I’m avoiding opening it because I know I’m going to hate it. How do I outsource this thing?
Me: And why are we writing an ebook?
Her: Because I’m supposed to have one, aren’t I?
Me: For what purpose exactly? A free lead generator? An infoproduct that you can sell? Or are you writing it to sell on Kindle? What is the goal here?
Her: To have a product to sell on my site.
Me: Well, let’s back up a touch here.
Let me get this straight. You want to hire a writer to write this for you when you’re totally passionate and opinionated about [topic] and have an important message to share. Meanwhile, YOU are amazing. You’re beautiful, smart, knowledgeable in your field, passionate, charismatic, well-spoken, and magnetic. If you want to create something to sell, let’s rethink this and instead do a series of little videos, a hangout, or a teleseminar where you can spend an hour and have it done – and have it be AWESOME! We CAN find a great writer and the ebook would be good, but this is about getting YOUR message out and growing YOU as the obvious expert when it comes to your field. Do you want your words or someone else’s?
Her: You mean, I don’t have to have an ebook? I can just talk?
Me: Yep. It’ll be done in an hour and your customers will LOVE it!
Her: Well, let’s do it then!
And, she did and it was…. Awesome.
The moral of the story is know your strengths and know what’s easy for you.
If the experts are telling you that you HAVE to do webinars but you’re a prolific writer, then by golly, WRITE your heart out!
It may be the opposite of this story, or it could be something else that we cover later in the book.
You’ll know it when you spot it.